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Our Tours

Item Code: 75-897

7 Days




7 Days 6 Nights Walking Safari Nairobi Maji Moto Loita Hills Masai Mara reserve

This trip is for people who love trekking, walking through Kenya's wild terrain, and meeting some African tribesmen in their real dwellings. Learning their way of life interacting with them, and spending time with them.

After breakfast at 7.30 am leave Nairobi and drive towards the Kikuyu escarpment stopping briefly at the Rift Valley viewpoint, to view the magnificent Rift Valley. Drive to the south, arriving in a farm town known as Narok for Lunch. After lunch proceed to Loita Plains where you will be met by our Masai tribesmen guides, who will guide you for 7 km through the plains to your camp site where you will find ready tents, dinner, and overnight at the camp.

Begin your walk at 7.30 am after breakfast carrying your packed lunch and a small rack sack for small belongings that you may need on your walk. Led by Masai warriors (guides), you will walk through raged country of acacia trees, wild animals will be seen in plenty e.g. zebras, impala, and wildebeest. After a 15 km walk, arrive at your campsite in the afternoon. This day you will be treated to a Masai barbecue, a goat will be roasted and a bone fire lit, after dinner you will retire for the night.

This day will be the same as day 2, after another 10 km you will arrive at the campsite in the afternoon, there will be a Masai tribe dance, and the rest of the afternoon will be at leisure. Dinner and overnight at the camp.

After breakfast begin your walk at 8:00 am moving towards Masai Mara direction, this day you will walk for 20 kilometres arriving at the border of the reserve After midday, you will be transferred to one of the permanent tented camps for lunch, dinner and overnight.

Masai Mara
The Masai Mara offers wildlife in a variety and abundance that it is difficult to believe; over 450 species of animals has recorded here. You will easily see lions. Rhino, hippo crocodiles, giraffes, wildebeests, zebras, buffalos, warthogs, hyenas, jackals, leopards, and many kinds of antelopes and elephants. It is in the Masai Mara that perhaps the most spectacular event of the natural world takes place. This is the annual migration of wildebeests and zebras from the Serengeti (Tanzania) in search of water and pasture. Following on their heels are the predators of the savannah – lion, cheetah, hyena, and the vultures.

The Masai people who dwell in the Masai Mara and its environs are strongly autonomous people who still practice customs and rituals as a valuable part of their lives. They view themselves not just as dwellers of this area but as much part of the existence of the land as the land part of their existence. Customarily, the Masai scarcely hunt since dwelling together with animals in tranquillity is an integral part of their belief. Lions and wildebeests have an essential role in their cultural belief as their herds.

7:30 a.m. After breakfast, leave camp for a full-day game drive. You will be driven around the park looking for the big five animals, thereafter drive towards the Mara River where you will have your picnic lunch around the river, waiting to see the wildebeest crossing the Mara River. After lunch, drive back to your camp doing more game drives before arriving at your camp around 4:00 pm. The remaining hours can be rest. Dinner and overnight at your camp.

After breakfast, leave the Mara for Nairobi to proceed to your next destination.

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